MGT304 - Organizational Behavior
-University of Miami, Miami Herbert Business SchoolThis course covers concepts of organization, motivation, leadership, dynamics of the group, personality, organizational development strategies, and other behavioral aspects involved in the effective management of an organization through readings, lecture, discussion, and case analyses. The emphasis is on building a sound grasp of good practice, and on developing the ability to apply such knowledge to actual business problems.
Fall, 2023 - Current
MGMT1021 - Organizational Behavior
-Boston College, Carroll School of ManagementThis course is designed to help undergraduate students better understand and navigate the “human” side of work. We explore topics such as: what motivates people at work, how to manage conflicts, the role of personality in the workplace, leadership styles, and organizational culture. By learning the theories in the field of organizational behavior and applying them to real problems in modern business settings, this class will prepare students to skillfully navigate their future work life.
Fall, 2020 (hybrid teaching format)
OPSY 505 - Individual and Team Assessment
-Azusa Pacific University, School of Behavioral and Applied SciencesThis course is designed to prepare graduate students in the M.S. in Organizational Psychology program to overcome challenges in Human Resources Management and to review and apply relevant scholarship on organizational behavior, teams, various assessments, and the nature of meaningful work.
Summer, 2017 - Summer, 2018